Authentic Narrations About Hijama – Cupping Therapy
Cupping is the Best of Remedies
“If there is something excellent to be used as a remedy, then it is Hijama Cupping”.
Reported by Abu Huraira.[Sunan Ibn Maajah]
The Prophet (PBUH) explained that Hijama is one of the best medicines: “The best medicine with which you treat yourselves is Hijama, or it is one of the best of your medicines,” or “The best treatment you can use is Hijama.” [Sahih Bukhari Hadith-No: 5371]
“The best treatment is cupping, it removes blood, lightens the back, and sharpen the eyesight”. [Al–Hakim 4/212, At-Tirmidhi Hadith No: 3053]
In Hijama Cupping there is a Cure
The Prophet (PBUH) also said: “If there is anything good in the medicines with which you treat yourselves, it is in the incision of the Hijama therapist, or a drink of honey or cauterization with fire, but I do not like to be cauterized.” [Sahih Muslim, Hadith No: 2205]
Jaabir ibn Abdullah y reported that the Messenger (PBUH) said, “Indeed in cupping (hijama) there is a cure.” [Saheeh Muslim hadith No: 5706].
Best Days for Hijama
Abu Hurairah(r.a) reported that the Messenger (PBUH) said, “Whoever performs cupping (hijama) on the 17th, 19th or 21st day (of the Islamic, lunar month) then it is a cure for every disease.” [Sunan Abu Dawud Hadith No: 3861].
Shab-e-Meraj – The Night of Power(Angels Recommended Hijama – Cupping)
Abdullah ibn Abbas (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger (SAWS) said, “I did not pass by an angel from the angels on the night journey except that they all said to me: Upon you is cupping (hijama), O Muhammad.” [Sunan-Ibn-Maajah Hadith No:3477].
In the narration reported by Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (may Allaah be pleased with him) the angels said, “Oh Muhammad, order your Ummah (nation) with cupping (hijama).” [At-Tirmidhi].
The Prophet (PBUH) said,” Jibrail (AS) repeatedly emphasized upon me to resort to cupping to the extent that I feared that cupping will be made compulsory.”
Hijama – Cupping done on the Prophet (PBUH)
Anas ibn Maalik (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger (SAWS) was treated with cupping (hijama) three times on the two veins at the side of the neck and the base of the neck. [Saheeh Sunan abi Dawud (3860), Sunan-Ibn-Maajah Hadith No: 3483].
Ibn al-Qaiyum (may Allah have mercy on him) mentions that the Messenger (PBUH) was cupped on his head when he was afflicted with magic and that it is from the best of cures for this if performed correctly. [Zaad al Ma’aad (4/125-126)].
Jaabir ibn Abdullah y reported that the Messenger (PBUH) fell from his horse onto the trunk of a palm tree and dislocated his foot. Waki’ said, “Meaning the Messenger (PBUH) was cupped on (his foot) for bruising.” [Saheeh Sunan ibn Maajah (2807)].
Anas narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) used to have Hijama done on the veins on the side of the neck and the upper back. [At Tirmidhi]
Abdullah ibn Abbas reported that the Messenger (SAW) was cupped on his head for
a unilateral headache while he was in Ihraam. [Sahih al-Bukhari (5701)].
Jaabir ibn Abdullah reported that the Messenger (SAW) was treated with cupping
(hijama) on his hip for a pain in that area. [Sahih Sunan abi Dawud (3863)].
Abdullah ibn ‘Umar reported that the Messenger (PBUH) used to cup his head and
would call it (the place at the top of the head) “Umm Mugheeth.” [Saheehah (753),
Sahih al-Jaami’ (4804)].
The Prophet (PBUH) praised a person who performs cupping, saying it removes blood, lightens the back and sharpens the eyesight (Jamul Warsaai p. 179. The above quoted Hadith is clear that cupping was practiced by The Prophet (PBUH) himself and strongly recommended by him.
Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with them both) reported that the Prophet (PBUH) was treated with cupping, and he paid the cupper his fee. (Reported by al-Bukhaari, 10/124; Muslim 1202).
For Intelligence and Memory
Ibn Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger ( SAWS ) said, “Cupping (hijama) on an empty stomach is best. In it, there is a cure and a blessing. It improves the intellect and the memory…” [Sunan-Ibn-Maajah Hadith No: 3487].
Salma (may Allaah be pleased with him), the servant of the Messenger of Allaah (SAWS) said, “Whenever someone would complain of a headache to the Messenger of Allaah (SAWS), he (SAWS) would advise them to perform cupping.” [Saheeh Sunan Abi Dawud (3858)].
Ibn al-Qaiyum (may Allaah have mercy on him) mentions that the Messenger (SAWS) cupped his head when he was afflicted with magic and that it is from the best of cures for this if done correctly. [Zaad al Ma’aad (4/125-126)].
Abdullah ibn Abbas (RA) reported that a Jewish woman gave poisoned meat to the Messenger (PBUH) so he (PBUH) sent her a message saying, “What caused you to do that?” She replied, “If you really are a Prophet then Allah will inform you of it and if you are not then I would save the people from you!” When the Messenger (PBUH) felt pain from it, he (PBUH) performed cupping (hijama).
Cupping for Women
Jaabir ibn Abdullah (RA) reported Umm Salama (RA) asked permission from the Messenger (PBUH) to do cupping. So the Messenger (PBUH) ordered Abu Teeba (RA) to cup her. Jaabir ibn Abdullah (RA) said, ” I think he (SAWS) said that Abu Teeba (may Allaah be pleased with him) is her brother through breastfeeding or a young boy who didn’t reach puberty”. [Saheeh Muslim – Hadith No: 5708, Sunnan Abu Dawud – Hadith No: 4102), Sunan-Ibn-Maajah Hadith No: 3480].
If you are interested in Cupping therapy, Aquil’s Hijama Center is a great place to have your first experience. We offer customized Hijama Cupping therapy for men and women across Kolkata. Our values include professionalism, holistic treatment, empowering individuals, and making self-care a priority. You will be given a cupping therapy treatment that is specific to your needs. Call to schedule an appointment.